“Time after time, God brings us to our absolute end, and then proves Himself faithful.” – Chuck Swindol
This has got to be the most challenging year for me – ever. Challenging, because God has been stretching, disciplining, teaching me about life and preparing me for the future.
At the beginning of this year, my husband and I welcomed our first-born into the world. In all honesty, I was not happy. Most women have that, “WOW!” kind of experience when they hold their baby for the first time. For me, it did not happen until a few weeks after his birth. Throughout the most part of my pregnancy, everything was perfectly fine – but then, all of a sudden, I was diagnosed with Pre-eclampsia. This is a sickness that develops in pregnant women, only from 20 weeks and up and causes high blood pressure and a high level of protein, which affects the kidneys. I was in and out of hospital, and the third time around, our little boy was removed via an emergency cesarean. Things happened so suddenly and so fast, that I barely had time to digest everything.
I thought that God had abandoned me… Well, it certainly felt that way. My faith wavered, I doubted His promises, I could not see through the storm. I was emotional, I was irrational. Fast forward a few months, I can clearly see God’s hand upon my life throughout that difficult time. Now, I am wondering why I was so silly, but mostly, I am a stronger person because of what I went through. More importantly than anything else, I saw how faithful my God is. He was there every single step of the way – even when I felt all alone. He comforted me, He reassured me – He proved Himself faithful. In retrospect, I can see that I absolutely had a wrong perspective of God and my situation. Today, I am so in love with my baby boy. He brings us so much joy, and I truly believe that all of what I went through is worth holding him, kissing him, seeing that angelic little face, experiencing his innocence.
Right now, you may be going through the toughest season of your life. You may be wondering where God is in all of this. You may feel alone, abandoned, unloved. You may be wondering why you have to go through what you are going through if Jesus truly loved you. Dear sister, do not for a moment doubt your Saviour. Surely, He is with you every step of the way. He is carrying you, working everything out for your good, bringing you closer to your victory and preparing you for your next season. As I am writing this, I am speaking to myself as well, because even though my previous season has ended, I am already in a new, tougher season with bigger lessons to learn. Only this time around, I will not let my faith be shaken. My previous season prepared me for my present season; and it will bring forth a stronger faith, and even greater victory. The cycle continues: one season prepares us for the next, and the next season, for the next. One thing is certain – Jesus takes us from glory to glory, strength to strength in Him. He is always with us, and He will never fail us.
Today, if you feel like you are at your absolute end, know that it is the perfect opportunity for God to show up and show off. He is Jesus, Lord over all, Lord of your life. He holds every detail of your past, present and future in the palm of His hand. Seasons change, life certainly gets tough, but He remains ever faithful. Take heart, dearest daughter of God. Jesus makes us brave.
I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.– John 16 v 33 (MSG)